This section is for people who can see, but need larger print. It is designed for desktop, laptop, or tablet computers. A link back to this web page appears at the bottom of each topic's text.
Table of Contents
1. What Does It Mean To Get Saved?
2. What Does It Mean to Believe?
3. Who is Jesus Christ?
4. What Does Savior Mean?
5. Why Should I believe in Jesus?
6. What is the Meaning of Life?
7. How Did Jesus Already Do the Work to Earn My Entry Into Heaven?
8. What is Eternal Life?
9. What is Heaven?
10. What Does it Mean to Follow Jesus?
11. More About the Great I Am.
12. What is the Gospel?
13. More Evidence - Prophecies of Jesus.
14. Will it Help if I Turn Away from Sin?
15. Do I Need to Do Something Extra to be Saved?
16. What Do I Do After Deciding to Believe in Jesus?
17. Photos
18. What if I have Doubts? (page 1 of 7)
Doubts? (page 2)
Doubts? (page 3)
Doubts? (page 4)
Doubts? (page 5)
Doubts? (page 6)
Doubts? (page 7)
Doubts? (page 8)
If, as a result of this website, you decided to believe in Jesus as your Savior, please click here for next steps.