If you understand what I mean when I say, ''Believe in Jesus Christ as your Savior'', you can make that happen right now. One way to do so is by offering a sincere prayer such as, I believe in You Jesus, I welcome You as my Savior. I understand you did all the work to save me already. Please come into my life and make yourself real to me.'' If you don't understand what I mean above, or would like to learn more, please take a look at a few of the links below to help.
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What Does It Mean to Believe? Short Answer Version “Believe” is the action word for “faith”. In the original New Testament language, the word for “believe” was the verb form of the noun for “faith”. You “believe” simply by putting faith into action. What is faith, and how do we put it into action? Faith is, by definition, a hopeful acknowledgement that something is true without anyone proving it to our satisfaction first. When we hope for something with conviction and have an assurance that our unseen hope will be realized, that is faith. Faith in something untrue will not make it true. But faith in something true, that you are not able to prove, can result in the needed experience of its certainty.
Long Answer Version To use faith in asking Jesus to be our Savior, is to believe with saving faith. The same is true when we believe that Jesus died for our sins and will come into our lives to have relationship with us.
When we become saved, faith is something that gets stronger the more we exercise it. We learn gradually how best to apply it in an effective way, and we develop it like a skill. We would be wise to remember, the power initiated by our faith is the power of Almighty God, not that of ourselves. Faith takes risk. But life is full of risks. For example, if we waited for proof before following our dreams or aspirations, we would never take any risks at all, and none of us would be a success at anything. Take the risk of believing in Jesus and you will be saved even though you had to risk that it was true. Believing in Jesus is a risk worth taking. Choose the kind of risk that initiates your salvation rather than prevents it. It takes risk to reject Jesus too. That is not a risk worth taking. To believe in Jesus as your Savior also means to believe in truths associated with Him as Savior. For example, if you don't believe that Jesus was resurrected from the dead, you do not believe in Jesus. If you don't believe Jesus is the "King of Kings", you do not believe in Jesus. As much as people try, they cannot change Jesus by making up their own ideas of what He is or isn't. To be saved, we believe in the real risen Jesus and let Him be Himself. Here is another way of looking at the meaning of “believe”. In today’s world, if you have a friend who is going for a job interview, you might encourage the person by saying “You’ll do great. I BELIEVE in you.” You do not mean “I believe you exist”. You are expressing a positive, considerate thought about who your friend is. That is also true about believing in Jesus. By believing in Jesus, you are expressing your support personally to Him for who He truly is. Believing in Him is as easy as being a friend. In our culture we like the saying, “I love you just the way you are.” That phrase is a way of saying, “I believe in you.” God loves us just the way we are, so why not decide to love Him just the way He is, by faith? A believer is called a believer because they believe. Believing produces righteousness and peace in us. “By faith we have been made righteous. Therefore, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ”. Believing is an ongoing practice of the believer. “The righteous shall live by faith”. We “walk by faith, not by sight.'' However, the element of faith being ongoing, is not what saves us. It comes as a result of being saved.” There are many other words or phrases that basically mean the same thing as believing in Jesus with saving faith, in a biblical sense. For example, “receiving Jesus” means the same thing and depicts an openness of heart to let Him be in your life. It is a biblical phrase: "as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His name: who were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God." ''Accepting Jesus'' is another term people use that is synonymous for believing in Jesus. Some people say, “Trust in Jesus for your salvation”. It all stands for the same thing. Receive Him, accept Him, trust Him for your salvation, believe in Him, it’s all good. Can a person lose their faith? We sometimes see this phrase in movies, books, or TV when a person is very downhearted about a tragedy, presumably because they expected God to prevent the disaster. In my opinion, a true believer will never lose their faith. They might get dragged through the meat grinder of life and lose their excitement about God for a while, but real faith is something that cannot be lost. It can only be ignored by a person based on a personal choice to do so. When is faith in Jesus ''real faith''? God always knows real faith when He sees it. It becomes apparent to us when we mean our decision to believe for real, and open ourselves to a relationship with Him. If you are ever so down that you want to ''lose your faith'', please remember that God has compassion on you. He will welcome you back and help you heal. Don't let pride or arrogance stop you from experiencing the blessings God still has for you. Your sense of faith can always be reclaimed. I've been through many meat grinders in life, and my sense of having faith did dwindle at times, but it was never lost. I predict that yours will never be lost either. You can regain it by saying "I believe in You Jesus, as my Savior". Say it out loud, or quietly in your heart alone. Doing it with understanding helps strengthen you throughout your life in any circumstance. Saying it will prevent you from losing your sense of experiencing faith. Believe. Exercise Faith. Rejoice in the Lord and His promises of abundant life. He has good plans for you, to bless you, as well as to give you a meaningful future and a bright hope. |
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Why Should I Believe in Jesus? |
Short Answer Version There are many good reasons to believe. We will look at them in several general categories. They include Benefits Offered, Overwhelming Evidence, Needs Met, and other similar topics. After reading about them, if you wish to delve deeper, you will find a large number of menu items at the bottom of this page. There are so many good reasons and answers to why you should believe in Jesus, that they are impossible to count. But they are possible to experience with just a little faith. Long Answer Version We approach the question, ''Why Should I Believe in Jesus?'', from various angles customized to various individual concerns. For example, is your main focal point analytical, emotional, intellectual, historical, scientific, cultural, or familial? Many avenues exist, some more atuned to a given individual than others. We'll start with Benefits Offered, because it is the most fun. Next we will examine some sources of evidence external to the Bible and Christian literature. Other parts of this website will be devoted to more comprehensive topics like science or philosophy. You will see links to each category at the end of each page for other questions you may have. Category 1: Benefits Offered. The reasons to believe in Jesus start with these: -His promises to believers The benefits of salvation also include many other blessings, like lifelong help from God, and royalty as a child of the most royal King. You will have an improved sense of identity and belonging that will lift your spirits. New and great value is placed on you. You become a partaker of God's nature so to speak. When you spend time with Him, His nature rubs off on you somewhat. Innumerable believers have attributed their high level of success to Him. You are given availability to peace that passes all understanding. You are given a future and a hope. There is an immense sense of freedom that comes. I could list a hundred more benefits, but I'll confine it to these: You are set free from sin and emotional bondage. Your past sins are cleansed off of you, and your future sins are paid for. You can feel cleansed from present sins as well by confessing them to God, when you realize they have occurred, and turning back to Him. Perhaps the most powerful reasons for believing are that He always loves you for who you are, and also sees your potential to grow more into your better self. He provides spiritual power for you to overcome temptation, side with Him in spiritual light against the influences of spiritual darkness, turn away from harmful thinking patterns, experience freedom spiritually and emotionally, and be healed of past hurts. I believe God is not limited to time, seeing that He created it. Therefore, right this second He can see The Future You. He sees you living in the realization of your great potential during this lifetime, and shining with even greater potential eternally in His kingdom. I have heard many people tell about miraculous things that Jesus did in their lives. If I were to name the large number of wonderful things He has done so far in my life, it would bewilder you. I realize it is intriguing to hear the juicy details of such a claim, but I would prefer to keep your mind on the main point. It is that YOU can experience many positive and miraculous experiences in your own life when you believe in Jesus and put your trust in Him. You will not experience them all in the beginning, but with time you will look back on your life and see He was there all along doing incredible things for you, starting with one of the greatest miracles of all: you becoming born again from His Spirit. You get a new nature growing within you, kind of like a seed. It is full of joy, love, and peace. You can tap into all these things by seeking to be close to God, trusting Him, and living in His ways. The popularity of self-improvement books, seminars, websites and videos indicate people, even those who are ''comfortable in their own skin'', want to become better. Believing in Jesus is the best way possible to improve yourself. He can change your life for the positive in a better and more powerful way than any human teacher can. One thing to remember is that God gives spiritual tools to those who believe in Jesus. So after you choose to believe in Him, use your tools! If you don't use them, they won't help you. You can grow in the use of those tools, including faith, believing prayer, trust in God, teaming up with His Holy Spirit in you, and operating with confidence and authority to use your God-given talents and giftings. The Bible itself is a powerful spiritual tool, and is full of insight on how to use specific tools God gives. The Gospel is Positive When it comes to telling people why they should believe in Jesus as their Savior, it is pointless to resort to overblown negativity, such as scaring them about Hell, brow beating them, imposing peer pressure, arguing with them out of anger, deceptive sales tactics, or threatening to cut off their allowance (if they are your kids). The gospel of Jesus Christ is 100% positive. We will soil it if we resort to rejecting it for anything less positive. We need not blind ourselves to the possible outcomes from refusing to believe in Jesus. People are by nature prudent to avoid danger. Understanding the good news results in safety, positivity, and a wonderful life. That is reason not to fear, but rather believe and enjoy. There are many other benefits of becoming saved that I could list, but it is better for you to experience them yourself. He is calling you in a gentle way to come to Him and be saved. Next Page: Overwhelming Evidence
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What is the Meaning of Life? |
Answer I f you research this question, either on the internet or in libraries, you will find a significant number of attempts to analyze the question, and even more to try and answer it. I’m writing rather informally here, but I’m going to try my hand at answering this question without repeating the many ideas already out there. The reason the question is so elusive to most people is that they erroneously think of themselves at the center of life, and all their feelings, thoughts, experiences, dreams, and hopes are at the heart of the question about the meaning of life. All those things are good, but most people are going about this all wrong. We should not put ourselves in the center and think about our lives as the thing we want to find the meaning for. Life exists outside us much more than it does inside us. If we want to find the real meaning of life, consider this: What is the meaning of life to the One who created it? All the real answers will stream from that. I might think something different tomorrow, but today I think that the meaning of human life is to give joy to God. There are probably other things, but I think that answer eclipses all others. If it concerns you that I might be skirting the issue of the meaning of YOUR life, please be patient. We’ll get to that shortly. If any of you readers have children and love them, you might understand a little of the concept of finding joy and meaning in loving your offspring. When my kids were little, when I could simply sit and watch them, I didn’t need TV, movies, music, sports, or any other past time. They gave me such a kick, just by looking at them doing all the things they did. They were so sweet and cute, I just drank it in, and felt joy to be around them. (I’ll tell you a secret. My kids are in their twenties now, and I often still get the same feeling when I look at them.) If you don’t have kids, think about people in your life that have given you joy without them even knowing it. Take that kind of feeling and multiply it in your mind to the point where it is joy of great maginitude, and you might be able to understand that as God's children, WE are the meaning of life! In the eyes of our Heavenly Father love abounds beyond our ability to comprehend. Since our life provides joy and meaning to Him, we mean something. Life means something. I am not saying God would feel empty and meaningless without us. That would be absurd. But I am saying He is overjoyed with us and has a purpose for this planet that includes us. We help fulfill His worthwhile purpose, which gives our lives purpose. God loves life. If He didn’t, then why did He make so much of it? Over five billion species have existed on earth. These are examples of life that began with God. All life has meaning to Him. But I’ll tell you what kind of life has the most meaning to Him. We get a hint in the scripture where Jesus said, “Or if there is a woman who has ten silver coins, and loses one, won’t she light a lamp and sweep and search the house until she finds it? And when she does, she will call her friends and neighbors together. ‘Come and celebrate with me’, she will say, ‘for I have found that precious coin I lost.’ I tell you, it is the same in Heaven—there is rejoicing among the angels of God over one sinner who turns to God.” Not only does it give God and the angels intense joy when one person is saved, but that heavenly joy echoes back from Heaven on to the person who chose to receive the gift of salvation. And it doesn’t end there. The Holy Spirit brings to the person love, joy, peace, and other blessings as lifetime benefits of knowing and communing with Him. The Bible calls these the fruit of the Spirit. Contemplate that for a while. We bring meaning to God, for Him to enjoy. God brings meaning back into our lives for us to enjoy. This brings us back now to answer the person looking for the meaning of life with self at the center. Understand this cycle, the meaning of life comes to you and you understand it, when you step into the circle of love in relationship with Jesus. The circle continues into the future. The two of you are in the center together. Joy, meaning, and significance together increase in you personally. And that is the meaning of life.
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