Accessibility Options and Solutions

Accessibility involves customized Options you can choose, starting with this page. Listening to audio for this site requires a screen reader. If you are unfamiliar with screen readers, click the link at the bottom of this page to find out extra information suited for you.

We provide three Options to use when accessing this site with your screen reader. Here are the features of each.

Option 1: Access each Topic page, one at a time. The format is like most other screen readable pages. You can move by scrolling or clicking a section, depending on your screen reader.

You can access a different topic in one of two ways. The first way is to click the button near the bottom of the page. It identifies and leads to the next topic in the series.

The second way is through the Accessibility Menu. At the very bottom of each topic page, is a link that takes you to the Accessibility Menu, which uses similar buttons. At the bottom is a Table of Contents using links. It is for screen readers or devices that don't work well with buttons.

In the Accessibility Menu, you can launch another topic of your choosing. To use Option 1 now, please click the link below. It will take you to the first topic.

Option 1: Listen to Topics


Option 2: You can access topic pages that utilize both large print and screen reader compatibility. It works like Option 1. The Accessibility Menu is called a Table of Contents in this Option. If your sight is partially impaired, and you would like to read a large letter version, click this link to start at the Table of Contents:

Option 2: Access Large Letter, Screen Readable Version


Option 3: Access a page playing one to three topics non-stop. It is like listening to a book on tape. It tells you how many minutes each topic takes to read. It was created for ease of use. Some screen readers don't have a way for you to sit back and listen to a whole page all the way through. Other screen readers are equipped to listen to a whole page at a time. This option includes multiple topics on a page.

At the end of a page, a link takes you to the next page. Your browser's back arrows take you back to previous pages. This method does not allow you to skip forward or backward by paragraph. It does have a Table of Contents.

The flow is from start to finish, without a paragraph break. Some screen readers give you a way to pause and resume. To choose this second option, please click the link below. It will take you to the first topic. Then you can either move to the next page or to a Table of Contents.

Option 3 does not have all the pages or features of Options 1 and 2. To access the other topics, use the Accessibility Menu described in Option 1 above. The topics not included in Option 3 are "What is the Gospel", "What if I have Doubts?", "Do I Need to Do Something Extra", and "Will it Help if I Turn Away from Sin?". They were exluded due to their length and depth.

Option 3: Listen to Full Pages Non-stop



Aside from the three options above, the regular web pages can be listened to with screen readers. However, the options presented above make it easier and more convenient for the listener.

If you are not sight-impaired, or you want to know more about screen readers for listening, please click the link below.

Learn Here about Extra Information For Those New to Screen Readers